The Falling Walls Lab is an innovative scientific format for young talents. The Lab is a platform for excellent academics, entrepreneurs and professionals from all disciplines who get the opportunity to present their research work, business model, innovative project or idea to peers and a distinguished jury from academia and business. Each participant has 3 minutes time on stage.

The keynote is held by Prof. Dr. Andreas Weigend who worked as chief scientist at Amazon and teaches at Stanford University and UC Berkeley, Director of the Social Data Lab. Prof. Dr. Andreas Weigend is an internationally renowned, highly inspiring scholar and speaker.

The Falling Walls Lab Luxembourg is hosted by the University of Luxembourg and takes place on the 1 July 2015 at Campus Belval. Applications can be made through the website The Application Deadline closes by 7 June 2015.


For further information please visit the website of the University of Luxembourg or by clicking on the following PDF file:pdficon_large


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